This child had a wart on the upper lip for the past one year. |
This is a photo of the same patient one month later. His wart healed and disappeared after beginning the homeopathic remedy Dr. Signore prescribed based on the patient's individualized symptoms and physical characteristics (AKA his HOMEOPATHIC CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY. The patient also applied topical apple cider vinegar daily to his wart. The wart healed without any scarring or painful surgical procedures. |
Plantar warts are a very common viral skin infection treated by dermatologists. "Plantar" means located on the bottom of the foot. While some plantar warts resolve without treatment, other plantar warts can be very difficult to treat. Additionally, plantar warts are often quite painful with walking. Painful plantar warts may interfere with a person's occupation and participation in sporting activites.
Treatments for warts which we provide at Dr. Signore's dermatology office include topical salicylic acid liquid, liquid nitrogen cryosurgery (freezing), imiquimod cream, Candida immunotherapy injections, and surgery. In Dr. Signore's Tinley Park dermatology office, we also prescribe classical homeopathic medicine when patients want a natural wart treatment that isn't painful. Children often prefer homeopathic medicine because it's easy to take (dissolvable pills), pleasant tasting, and pain-free.
This young patient saw Dr. Signore for resistant PLANTAR WARTS. They did not respond to her previous doctor's salicylic acid liquid, freezing, or cimetidine (Tagamet). When her previous doctor surgically removed her warts, she couldn't participate in sports for three months afterwards. Then, her warts grew back. She scheduled a two hour homeopathic office visit with Dr. Signore and he prescribed her individualized HOMEOPATHIC CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY. She was a very warm individual, her hands and feet sweated excessively (HYPERHIDROSIS), she was very thirsty for large amounts of ice water, and she disliked eggs. These symptoms helped Dr. Signore find the right homeopathic mineral remedy. |
The above photo, taken 4 weeks after beginning the patient's individually selected HOMEOPATHIC CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY, shows that all her PLANTAR WARTS HAVE RESOLVED. Interestingly, her EXCESSIVE SWEATING (hyperhidrosis) on her hands has also IMPROVED BY 50% after beginning her homeopathic medicine. (SEE PHOTOS BELOW) |
It just so happened that the patient (shown above) with plantar warts also had excessive sweating of the hands and feet, aka hyperhidrosis (shown below). As you can see, her excessive sweating also improved while she was being treated for her plantar warts with her individualized HOMEOPATHIC CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY. Often, seemingly unrelated health issues improve when patients are treated with their constitutional homeopathic medicine:
This photo shows EXCESSIVE SWEATING (HYPERHIDROSIS) of the hands of the same young patient seen in the photos above with the plantar warts. This photo is before homeopathic treatment. |
This is the same young person (with plantar warts) after 4 weeks of homeopathic treatment. You can see that her EXCESSIVE SWEATING (HYPERHIDROSIS) is 50% LESS NOTICEABLE now. Her excessive sweating improved at the same time her PLANTAR WARTS resolved with her individualized HOMEOPATHIC CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY. Seemingly unrelated medical issues may also improve with classical homeopathic treatment. |
For an appointment , please call Dr. Signore's office at (708) 429-2992 or email us at: tinleyderm@gmail.com. (If you wish to have homeopathic medicine for your plantar warts or common warts, please make sure to ask for a two hour initial homeopathic appointment.)
If you'd like to read more about the treatment of warts , click below on the icon for a free pdf copy of Dr. Signore's article published in Homeopathy Today, titled "Warts and All - The Homeopathic Approach to Treating People with Warts":
Homeopathy Today is the official magazine of the National Center For Homeopathy (used with permission). For further information, please visit: www.homeopathycenter.org
This pleasant youngster, seen above, was brought to Dr. Signore's dermatology office with treatment resistant warts on her foot which began one year ago. Her previous skin doctors had already tried Aldara cream (imiquimod cream), cantharidin, freezing with liquid nitrogen, and 40% salicylic acid ointment. The patient and her parents wanted to try a wart treatment that was not painful. After studying this patient's physical, emotional, and personality traits, Dr. Signore selected her individualized HOMEOPATHIC CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY. The patient took two dissolvable pellets by mouth twice a day. |
Three weeks after the patient began her homeopathic CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY, her large wart had improved by 60% (as seen above). |
After seven weeks of taking her individualized HOMEOPATHIC CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY by mouth, this patient's large, resistant wart had RESOLVED WITHOUT SCARRING AND WITHOUT PAIN (see above). |
COMMON WARTS (Verruca Vulgaris): |
This patient of Dr. Signore had numerous warts around the nails. After two office visits, this patient's warts were all clear. To schedule an office visit with Dr. Signore, please call us at (708) 429-2992. (R. Signore, DO - Copyright.) |